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Image by Raúl Cacho Oses



Somatic-Based & Energy-Conscious
School for Seekers & Practitioners

We believe there are two rivers that converge to create the ocean of awareness that comes with energy mastery and optimal well-being: the river of somatic integration and the river of energetic sensitivity. When we drop deeply into the soma of our experience, we can feel more consciously the energetic presence of all that is and from there become more conscious participants in creation. To achieve this, it must feel possible to be in our bodies and possible that magic might just be real.


If you've ever desired to feel safe & empowered from within, we invite you to join us....


Investigating the conscious awareness within...

Jordan North, Reiki Practitioner & Energy Teacher
Daniel Perea-Barchie, Reiki Practitioner & Energy Teacher

We are Daniel & Jordan, two energy workers of dual lineage, students of ancient spiritual traditions, lovers of myth, and heart-led mentors for those who want to journey the inner landscape to re-member their Soul Expression.


We are Master level Practitioners & Teachers of Reiki, focusing on teaching the contextual lineage & personal practice that the modality was originally created for.


In private client sessions, we join our Reiki work with VortexHealing® Divine Energy to uniquely blend Divine Consciousness & Divine Energy to get to the deep root of issues and connect you into your own innate wisdom.


The Lightning Branch School of Energy & Healing was born from the marriage of our two worlds of spiritual study & training to create a unique collective approach to teaching energy work & a magical lifestyle of inner power and self-reflection to promote a harmonious self and expression in the world.


Please always feel comfortable reaching out with queries or what-have-you through email or phone/text.

In wishing to know ourselves fully, we must forget our quest for gain and seek only completion. At a certain point in our development, we no longer even seek to become Mystic, Magister, Sorcerer, or Witch: we seek only our own perfection in the wholeness of our Will, in the joining of light with dark and strength with love. We are varied and gorgeous yet pure of heart. ​Our aim is this: to know ourselves and to know the world.

- T. Thorn Coyle, Kissing the Limitless


Reiki Certification & more

One avenue of energy mastery–through embracing, not dominance–that we teach is Reiki, an energy healing modality & sacred life path brought from Japan in the late 1800s. This is the modality we practice and teach others. But there is so much more to learn in wanting to become empowered through self-possession and internal knowing, and that is where our other classes come in.

Reiki Level I

Reiki Level I

May 5th - June 9th

Taught over six weeks, each week will focus on a different element of the Level I teachings, beginning with laying the foundational work of the lineage by understanding its origin, the things we know & the things we don’t know, and its many applications as both healing modality & sacred path of awakening. We will delve deeply into its roots and give a greater context for how it is relevant as more than the healing practice it has become. The following weeks will be interactive and engaging as we practice the art of Reiki as healing, deepen our relationship to its Spirit, and learn practices of energy hygiene and building the fire of connection with the energy of the Hara.

Reiki Level II

Reiki Level II

Late Summer

The main focus of Reiki II is to prepare the student to work with others. Students will received 3 Reiki Attunements (Initiations), which will increase their energy vibration even higher to facilitate stronger Reiki Treatments.  This cleansing is known for clearing deeply rooted mental and emotional blockages. Often heightened intuition, healing, and clearing is experienced at this level.  Three sacred symbols are received to use for self-healing, healing, others and to increase the energy vibration while doing table work and distance healing. 

Reiki Master

Reiki Level III

Late Autumn/Early Winter

In this class you will step into your “Master Shoes” and facilitate a master level full body Reiki Treatment.  This level is known for opening up your 3rd eye (intuition), getting clarity, trusting what you receive intuitively, receiving messages.  You will learn to offer a Reiju (spiritual blessing) on others and receive 1 more sacred symbol. You will receive a 4th Reiki Symbol and learn how to use it for the purpose of healing yourself and others.




"Experiencing Reiki with Jordan and Daniel is an immedate step towards profound stillness, compassion, and health. The several sessions that I've had with them have helped my mind, body, and spirit to align within themselves, which has allowed the discomfort I was struggling with to wash right over me in divine release.
Whether your source of tension is physical or emotional, their services will provide you with a framework to understand what you're experiencing from a deeper, more heartfelt place than before."


"If you want to find what's within yourself, go to Jordan and Daniel. You already have what you need inside, but often we need someone to cultivate the space and presence for us in order to discover it.
These two will help you, in the most gentle and compassionate way. They are wonderful, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to benefit from their love and skill."


"I found this container an ultra-supportive experience along one’s spiritual path, where you’ve got a whole team rooting for you & enthusiastically helping you out as needed. Which is wonderful to say the least, and deeply impactful and potentially life changing to say the most. 

These two practitioners are the real deal. They’re empathetic, naturally skilled, and know their stuff. As someone generally cautious of healing spaces thanks to the new age nonsense that abounds, I whole heartedly recommend them for genuine magical experience. "

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